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That’s completely crazy – Episode 3 of #slowtofast

Welcome to episode number three of #slowtofast, a podcast in which we share our thoughts, ideas and experiences in product development of a fast moving digital business. We are Marcus Castenfors, Head of Product Design and Dennis Hettema, Chief Innovation Officer at Nordnet.

“That’s completely crazy” – on Theory of Constraints, fidelity sprints and prank emails

In this episode we talk about how to find the balance between fidelity and speed, a challenge for any organization working with product development. Dennis shares one of his favorite theories: The Theory of Constraints, a simple and powerful way of identifying bottle necks in your value stream. Marcus tells two stories about applying a mindset to produce more innovative and quality work. And lastly, Dennis geeks out about a new toy that he just bought for the office.

Listen to the episode

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Google Ventures’ Design Sprint methodology

Theory of Constraints

The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox [book]

The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford [book]

10x Not 10%, Product Management by Orders of Magnitude by Ken Norton at Mind The Product [Video]

Art & Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland [Book]

Interview with Hampus Jakobsson at Startuppodden (Swedish) [Podcast]

Interview with Lisa Lindström, CEO of Doberman Group at Startuppodden (Swedish) [Podcast]

Interview with Malcolm Gladwell at Dorm Room Tycoon [Podcast]

Validated Learning

Ultra short-throw projector by Benq

What should we talk about next?

Let us know what to talk about next, by writing a comment below or using the hashtag #slowtofast on Twitter.

Thanks for listening,

Marcus and Dennis

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