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Episode 6 of #slowtofast: Using resource limitations, creative chaos, Agile and happiness to your advantage

Welcome to episode number six of #slowtofast, a podcast in which we share our thoughts, ideas and experiences in product development and design or as Dennis puts it:

“A podcast on how you can change your organization from a slow-moving beast to fast-moving leopard…”

We are your hosts: Marcus Castenfors, Head of Product Design and Dennis Hettema, Chief Innovation Officer at Nordnet.

In this episode Dennis shares his thoughts on what he refers to as “gravity”, a law of nature in product development: accepting that you have limited resources. Marcus gives examples of how you can create a positive mess in your creative process, causing interesting solutions to flourish. We also have a long rant about Agile. Why should you apply Agile methods? What are the benefits? And lastly, we talk about treating happiness as a skill, just like investing is a skill or nutrition is a skill.

Listen to the episode

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The “Peanut Butter Manifesto”

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Wait But Why

What should we talk about next?

Let us know what to talk about next, by writing a comment below or using the hashtag #slowtofast on Twitter…or send us a fax 😉 +46 8 506 33 065.

Thanks for listening,

Marcus and Dennis

Follow us on Twitter: @mcastenfors and @dhettema

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